“I am proud to support Dr. Parth Melpakam for City Council District 6. Parth has the deep experience and the wise judgment we need on the City Council. As president of the D11 school board and in other community roles, Parth has demonstrated his outstanding leadership abilities. Our community is fortunate that now Parth is ready to take the next step in his public service. Please join me in supporting Parth for City Council.”
A candidate for elected office must demonstrate one main quality in order to gain my support. He should not only listen to his constituents’ concerns, but respond to their phone calls, texts and emails. Parth Melpakam has shown me he is responsive to taxpayers’ issues in School District 11 and is committed to serving Colorado Springs in the same way. Therefore, he has my support for District 6 Councilman and I wish him every success in that role.
As a former Member and President of Colorado Springs School District 11 Board of Education I have paid close attention to how our District is doing and I am pleased to see real leadership coming from the BOE especially in the current Board President, Parth Melpakam. As he moves to the next phase of his journey to serve, he is running for City Council to represent District 6. Parth is exactly what our growing, challenged city needs. Leadership. I am honored to support Parth and look forward to his contributions to our community.
If you are looking for collaborative leadership, Parth Melpakam is your person. He has served his community, our children, for almost 6 years on the Colorado Springs School District 11 Board of Education. His leadership put the Union on notice that Parth is about our kids and our community not personal benefit. The City Council needs strong, courageous leadership like that which Parth will bring and that is why I encourage the voters to join me and support Parth. Bring real leadership to City Council.

Endorse Parth!
The most important piece of any campaign is you – the voter! If you know Parth personally, and/or approve of his overall body of work, please consider leaving a note of affirmation below. Your voice matters!
Fill out the form below to submit an endorsement.