Growing up in India, Parth was blessed with loving, devoted parents. Despite struggling to pay bills and put food on the table, they instilled in him a love and appreciation for the importance of education.
For the past three years, Parth has also served on the Board of Commissioners for the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority, as the representative voice of school districts in El Paso County. In that capacity, Parth has supported several civic improvement projects of blighted areas to provide for affordable housing, new jobs, and neighborhood revitalization.
In 2019, Parth was elected to his first term on the District 11 School Board of Education. As the Treasurer of the School Board from 2019 to 2021, he promoted transparency and responsible stewardship by investing taxpayer’s dollars closest to students in the classrooms.
In 2021, he was elected President of the Board. Coming out of the pandemic, Parth supported a safe return of students to classrooms without restrictions. Under his collaborative leadership, clear board priorities were established, fostering a culture of excellence, high expectations, and accountability.
Working with the Board, he spearheaded numerous systemic changes to “put students first” and oversaw significant improvements in student and school success – as D11 reduced the number of underperforming schools on the state watchlist from 15 to 3. Promise Scholarships for every D11 high school graduate to attend Pikes Peak State College free of cost and increasing starting teacher salary by over 20% to one of the highest in the region were notable board accomplishments under his leadership.
- President – District 11 School Board – 2021- Current.
- Commissioner, Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority: 2022 – Current: Supported multiple civic improvement projects to bring affordable housing, new jobs, and neighborhood revitalization to Colorado Springs.
- Treasurer – D11 School Board – 2019-2021.
- Chairman – District Accountability Committee (DAC) – District 11 – 2017-2019.
- Chairman – School Accountability Committee – Scott Elementary – 2015 to 2019
- El Paso Council PTA Volunteer of the Year 2018
- Member – DAC Budget & Accreditation Subcommittee, District 11 – 2016-2019
- Volunteer – Awarded Lowes Toolbox for Education grant to build an Outdoor Learning Center at Scott Elementary School.

Welcome! There are several ways to help me get elected as the District 6 City Council representative. Please consider joining my network, staying informed, spreading the message, hosting a meet & greet event, and/or canvassing.
Together, we can make a positive difference in the future of Colorado Springs!

Support Parth’s vision for a safer, stronger, and more prosperous Colorado Springs through strategic development and sound leadership.